Fredagskollokvium: Do you really know what's going on in Norwegian classrooms these days?

Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen, Fysisk institutt, UiO



Every professor, postdoc or student has once been a pupil, but do you really know what's going on in Norwegian classrooms these days? Experience from teaching upper secondary school (high school), writing physics text books and teaching at UiO, has given me insight in how the government works to recruit for science, how the schools think when implementing the curriculum, and how the university can benefit from knowing more about what's going on outside their own institution. I will focus on what Norwegian studens are supposed to know when they start studying: What are their skills in mathematics, physics and astronomy. I will also show how teaching methods today are changing rapidly due to technology. Norwegian classrooms have projectors, and pc's for everyone. Some also have interactive boards. Dynamic mathematical programs are used for geometrical constructions and graphical problem solving during exams. What teaching methods do these pupils meet when they arrive at Institute for theoretical astrophysics? How can we contribute to ensure recruitment to astrophysics?

Publisert 15. apr. 2011 13:39 - Sist endret 16. juni 2011 10:02