Ingunn Kathrine Wehus: No sign of eras before big bang in the CMB



In late November 2010 Gurzadyan and Penrose made large headlines in the

general media by claiming that they had found observational evidence for

the Big Bang not being the beginning of time. Concentric low-variance

circles in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature were claimed

to be signatures from a cyclic universe going through an infinite number

of Big Bangs, expansions and collapses. This claim was in a matter of

weeks killed by a large number of people, starting with Hans Kristian and

myself. I will in this talk give a brief introduction to cyclic universe

models, and I will show that the low-variance circles in the CMB sky is in

full agreement with the standard cosmological model which includes exactly

one Big Bang.

Publisert 30. mars 2011 17:37 - Sist endret 14. apr. 2011 17:03