Fredagskollokvium: Shinya Miyake: Photoprocess effects in the early Universe : (The Rovibrational Spectra and Radiative Cooling of HeH+, Photodissociation of HeH+, Resonant H− Photodetachment)

Shinya Miyake, post doc, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

We show the importance of considering the interaction between photons and atomic and molecular species in the early Universe.

First we calculated spectroscopic properties of the HeH+ molecular ion. HeH+ is believed to be formed first in the early Universe.  Due to its permanent dipole moment, a high efficiency of radiative cooling is expected.  Transition probabilities between all rovibrational levels were also computed and used to predict the emission spectra of HeH+ in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). Then we calculated the radiative cooling coefficients for the LTE case.

Secondly, we have calculated photodissociation cross sections for HeH+ . Compared to its formation process, the cross sections for the destruction process are not always treated precisely which is important, especially for UV irradiated environments. Photodissociation cross sections for the A 1 Σ+ ← X 1 Σ+ and X 1 Σ+ ← X 1 Σ+ transitions were obtained using a quantum method. We have calculated the respective cross sections as well as the case for LTE.

Lastly, we have considered the photodetachment cross section of H− involving a strong resonance around 11 eV. As for the radiation field, we have considered the case for a blackbody, quasar, and the average intergalactic radiation field in the early Universe.

Publisert 13. des. 2012 09:11 - Sist endret 12. mars 2013 08:32