Fredagskollokvium: Observations and simulations of small scale flux emergence on the Sun

Viggo Hansteen, Professor, ITA

The outer solar atmosphere is energized by the magnetic field. An important component of the fields evolution concerns the emergence of flux through its visible surface. We have performed three-dimensional (3d) magnetohydrodynamic simulations and gathered several data sets of magnetic flux emergence. This in order to build a  ``realistic'’ model of this process. Emerging flux leads to the formation of several current sheets as it rises through the chromosphere and corona resulting in dynamic and energetic events. In particular we will present  granular sized magnetic flux emergence events that occur in a flux emergence region during a co-observing campaign between the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope and the IRIS and Hinode spacecraft. This campaign resulted in  the highest resolution images ever taken of the upper chromosphere and transition region. The photospheric and chromospheric properties of the emerging magnetic flux bubbles have been described in detail in Ortiz et al. (2014). However, in the current work we are able to follow such lower atmosphere observations of flux emergence up to the transition region with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. We believe this may be an important mechanism of transporting energy and magnetic flux to the upper layers of the solar atmosphere, namely the transition region and corona, at least in cases when active regions are formed by flux emerging through the photosphere.

Publisert 5. jan. 2015 15:48 - Sist endret 13. okt. 2015 14:28