Fredagskollokvium: Philosophy of Cosmology

Bridget Falck, Postodoctoral fellow ITA

I will start with a motivation of why scientists might want to care about philosophy in the first place, even though some (Weinberg, Hawking, de Grasse Tyson, Krauss, Dawkins…) think it is worthless. Then I will give a general introduction to the philosophy of science, including the demarcation problem of defining science, issues with scientific explanation and justification, and scientific realism. Finally, I will discuss how cosmology intrinsically needs to rely on philosophical assumptions more than other fields, focusing on a few examples, e.g. the Copernican vs. cosmological principles and the anthropic principle. (Those interested in more may want to check out George Ellis’s “Issues in the Philosophy of Cosmology”


Publisert 16. nov. 2016 14:39