Fredagskollokvium: Designing useful information systems

Tone Bratteteig, Professor - Research Group for Design of Information Systems

The talk will give an introduction to the research in the “Design of information systems” group at The Department of Informatics. Our research topic is design of digital technologies based on a deep understanding of the relevant use practices. We are interested in people who have problems using digital systems and artefacts – non-users in particular. Use problems often stem from a misfit between the assumptions about users and user behaviour implemented in the technical solution and the real (non-)users. Understanding this is key for improving the design, and we focus on designing technical solutions that build on and extend the competencies of their users. In this research we work with particular user groups and explore new designs for and with the users.

I will briefly go through and explain some of the results of our research: 
-    analyses of real use practices (and real consequences of technical systems)
-    evaluations of digital technologies in use (in its real context) 
-    methods for participatory design
-    ways of operationalizing theories and concepts about human action, use of artefacts, and design in order to improve design processes and results
-    examples of alternative designs 
-    new ideas for interactions between humans and digital technologies

Publisert 18. sep. 2015 10:20 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2016 07:19