Fredagskollokvium: GENDER, EQUALITY AND MENTORING. What mentoring can and cannot do

Kirsten M. Poulsen, Director and founder of KMP+ House of Mentoring, and external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School.

Since the year 2000, when I founded KMP+ House of Mentoring, I have been looking into mentoring as a way of facilitating organizational and individual learning processes to the benefit of the organization as well as of the individual. Very early on this led to looking at gender and diversity, and my first journey into a mentoring programme for women focused on their leadership careers was for Innovation Norway – Ledermentorprogrammet. From 2005-2008 we delivered 6 programmes in collaboration with KPMG with a total of 92 mentees and their mentors. Since then we have worked with gender and diversity in a number of ways, and I have contributed to the literature through articles, book chapters and books.

In my session on April 12, I will share insights and learnings about gender and mentoring and I will give you the opportunity to explore in smaller groups your own understanding of and challenges around gender at your Institute.

Publisert 9. nov. 2018 02:24 - Sist endret 19. juli 2024 15:08