Tuesday talk for CBA. Cathrine Gundersen: Dirt and light

Every second Tuesday, CBA staff gather for lunch and a talk. On October 12, it will be given by Cathrine Gundersen from NIVA and is entitled: Dirt and light - describing dissolved organic matter with fluorescence EEM PARAFAC.

Image may contain: Person, Nose, Cheek, Smile, Eyelash.

Dr. Cathrine Gundersen is a researcher within catchment biogeochemistry at Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). She will present results from the 1000 lakes survey where the dissolved organic matter (DOM) with fluorescence was analyzed. 

Zoom link will be sent via email to CBA members.

Published Oct. 5, 2021 6:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2022 12:43 PM