Featured on Titan: Hellevang et al. (preprint): Formation of giant Siberian gas emission craters (GECs)

CBA professor Helge Hellevang and colleagues proposed a new explanation for the creation of craters in Siberia. Their conceptual model links thinning permafrost and other local conditions with the formation of gas emission craters in the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas. Their work is now highlighted on Titan (in Norwegian).

Photo from Titan.uio.no

Kraterne på Jamalhalvøya i Sibir kan bli opp mot 50 meter i diameter og kan slenge ut isblokker på størrelse med busser. Krateret på bildet er syv meter i diameter. Foto: Felton Davisflickr.com med lisens CC BY 2.0 DEED. Bildet er størrelsesmessig tilpasset.

The entire article can be read on Titan.uio.no in Norwegian.

The original preprint can be found at EarthArXiv.org.

Helge Hellevang, Mats Rouven Ippach, Sebastian Westermann, Mohammad Nooraiepour, 2023 (preprint). Formation of giant Siberian gas emission craters (GECs). Earth ArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31223/X59Q3K

Published Jan. 24, 2024 4:03 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2024 2:57 PM