Book about the state of Norwegian biodiversity

CBA centre coordinator Lene Liebe Delsett has launched a new book this week. It is in Norwegian and called Brennmaneteffekten – Hvordan går det med den norske naturen? (ENG: The Jellyfish effect – Is the Norwegian nature doing well?), published by Spartacus.

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Norway is famous for having a lot of beautiful nature. But how is this nature doing in the times of climatic changes and biodiversity loss? In the book, Delsett summarizes our knowledge about the present state of the most important nature types in Norway: cultural landscapes, forest, mountain areas, freshwater ecosystems, coastal waters and the open ocean, and discusses what can be done to take better care of the biological diversity in the future.

Lene Liebe Delsett has a PhD in palaeontology and has, in addition to her scientific work, worked for several years in Norwegian environmental NGOs, mainly on biodiversity protection policies.

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Published Mar. 25, 2021 10:36 AM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2022 12:37 PM