CBA annual meeting 2021

Centre of biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene's annual meeting happened last week, with many great talks and good discussions about future work.

The CBA annual meeting 2021 was organized at the Reenshaug Hotel in Drøbak on October 20-21. The program included talks from all the disciplines gathered in the centre.


Program for the meeting: 

20th October

10:00 Welcome by Dag Olav Hessen CBA: status, highlights and future

10: 45 Scientific talks

Elin Aas Modelling carbon stocks in Norwegian forest soils - a first look

Armin Wisthaler Amine-based CO2 Capture and its Risk for the Atmosphere

Manjana Milkoreit Gaming Climate Futures: Providing Climate Policy Support with the Tipping Point Negotiations

Anne Hope Jahren News from the CLIPT lab: Analysis of isotopes in water samples

Future CBA projects Rolf D. Vogt CBA into the future: presentation of new projects Group work: Future CBA projects and cooperation

12: 30 Lunch

13: 30 Scientific talks

Sabrina Schultze Organic matter and nutrients dynamics in two contrasting northern river-to-fjord systems.

Alexander Håland Atmospheric chemistry

Camille Crapart Space-for-time modelling of TOC concentration trends in Fennoscandia

Sigrid T Kjær Carbon degradation in thawing permafrost

14:15 - 16:00 Trip to the biological field station in Drøbak

16: 00 Scientific talks

Marius Lambert Modelling insights into the effect of hardening during extreme winter root water release

Laurent Fontaine Multiple thresholds and trajectories of microbial biodiversity predicted across browning gradients by neural networks and decision tree learning

Ane Vollsnes Model parameterisation of subarctic vegetation in climate models, an example from an ozone effect study.

Niels Højmark Andersen Vibrational Spectroscopy with emphasis on Raman

17:00 Time to discuss future plans, applications, cooperation etc.

19:00 Dinner at Reenskaug Hotel


21th October

09:00 Scientific talks

Heleen de Wit The thousand-lake survey: detection of climate change signals?

Frans Jan Parmentier Snow cover as a control on carbon loss in the permafrost region

Nicolas Valiente Parra The role of Arctic and boreal lakes in Climate Change

You-Ren Weng Evaluating global and regional land warming trends in the past decades with both MODIS and ERA5-Land land surface temperature data

Francois Clayer Boreal headwater catchment (Langtjern) as hot spot of carbon processing from headwater to fjord

Kjetil Schanke Aas Snow representation in NorESM and how it might be improved through the use of sub grid tiles

Norbert Pirk Updates on our carbon flux measurements at Finse, Iskoras and the Hedmark mires

Aleksandr Berezovski Fluxes of dissolved organic matter from land to sea 

Published Oct. 26, 2021 9:42 PM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2022 12:37 PM