Carbon flow through continental-scale ground logistics transportation

CBA professor Dag O. Hessen and colleagues published a new study about greenhouse gas emissions and logistics transportation in China

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Graphical abstract of Cui et al. (2023)

In a collaboration with Chinese scientists, the CO2-emissions from the transport sector is analysed, and it is demonstrated that while the massive emissions of CO2 from road transport is assumed to increase, there are also simple means by which they could be reduced.

The article can be read at the journal website.

Cui, H., Lu, Y., Zhou, Y., He, G., Song, S., Yang, S., Wang, R., Wang, S., Han, G., Yi, X., Du, D., Stenseth, N.Chr., Hessen, D.O., Chen, D., Cheng, Y., 2023. Carbon flow through continental-scale ground logistics transportation. iScience 26, 105792.


Published Apr. 4, 2023 10:08 AM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2023 10:09 AM