Disentangling effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on forest net ecosystem production

CBA postdoctoral fellow You-Ren Wang and several CBA researchers published a new study in Science of The Total Environment.

Image may contain: Sky, Ecoregion, World, Nature, Tree.

Graphical abstract of the paper by Wang et al. (2022).

The impacts of environmental drivers on forest CO2 fluxes are often mixed. In the article by Wang et al. (2022), they analyzed 231 site-year forest data and 7 natural and anthropogenic driver data to disentangle driver impacts on CO2 fluxes by GAM regression analysis. They show that "S and N deposition have substantial impacts on NEP, where S deposition above 5 kg S ha−1 yr−1 can significantly reduce NEP, and N deposition around 22 kg N ha−1 yr−1 has the highest positive effect on NEP. Our results suggest that air quality management of S and N is crucial for maintaining healthy biogeochemical functions of forests to mitigate climate change. Furthermore, the empirical models we developed for estimating NEP of forests can serve as a forest management tool in the context of climate change mitigation."

Paper can be read from the journal website.

You-Ren Wang, Nina Buchmann, Dag O. Hessen, Frode Stordal, Jan Willem Erisman, Ane VictoriaVollsnes, Tom Andersen, Han Dolmanb, Disentangling effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on forest net ecosystem production,
Science of The Total Environment, 839, 156326, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107831.

Published June 6, 2022 12:38 PM - Last modified June 6, 2022 12:38 PM