About the center

The goal of the CCSE is to include computing as a natural tool for all science and engineering students from the first semester of their undergraduate studies. Not as a substitute for more traditional approaches, but as an extension of the classical toolbox.

A Norwegian Centre of Excellence

The Centre for Computing in Science Education (CCSE) is hosted by the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo, Norway. The centre is a cooperation between the University of Oslo and the University College of Southeast Norway. Anders Malthe-Sørenssen is the director of CCSE.

CCSE is financed by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) as a Centre of Excellence over a period of 5 years with the possibility of an additional 5 years after a mid-term evaluation. 

Aims and visions

The vision of the centre is to develop a research-based foundation for the integration of computing into basic education and to become an international hub for this activity.

The centre aims to:

  • Develop material, approaches and study programs for CSE teaching and learning
  • Initiate, support and disseminate research into effective learning and assessment methods
  • Implement practices in educations across disciplines in collaboration with key partners


, 'Hurtigruten' from Tromsø to Trondheim in Norway
, the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen

In the media

Read about CCSE in the media and in blogs (in Norwegian only).

Prizes and awards

CCSE's members have been awarded several times for their work with computational science.

People at CCSE

Director of CCSE
Anders Malthe-Sørenssen

Head of Office
Tone Skramstad


CCSE, Dept. of Physics
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1048 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo
