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Prizes and awards

Several of the CCSE's members and the preceding project Computing in Science Educations have received awards and prizes for their work.  


From left: Head of Dept. of Physics Jøran Moan, Leader of Student-driven activities Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen, Leader of A culture for teaching and learning Ellen Karoline Henriksen, Leader of Dissemination, dialogue and communication through partnerships Knut Mørken, Pro-Rector at the University of Oslo Ragnhild Hennum, Director of CCSE Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Leader of Research-based development of methods and approaches Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Solveig Kristensen. Photo: Anette Andresen/NOKUT.

The UiO Education Award

  • The study programme Computational physics, Department of Physics (2015)
  • Senior Lecturer Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen, Department of Physics (2012)
  • The project Computing in Science Educations (2011)
  • Department of Physics with particular mention of the courses FYS 112 and FYS 113 given by Arnt Inge Vistnes and Morten Hjorth-Jensen (2000)

Status as a “merited teacher” at UiO

  • Lex Nederbragt (2023)
  • Andreas Haraldsrud (2023)
  • Tone Fredsvik Gregers (KURT) (2021)
  • Anders Malthe-Sørenssen (2020)
  • Morten Hjorth-Jensen (2020)

Status as a “merited teacher” at our partner institution USN

  • Marius Lysaker (2024)

The Olav Thon Foundation National Award for Excellence in Teaching

  • Senior Lecturer Tone Fredsvik Gregers (KURT), (2022)
  • Senior Lecturer Cathrine W. Tellefsen, Physics Department (2020)
  • Professor Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Physics Department (2018)
  • Professor Knut Mørken, Department of Mathematics (2017)
  • Professor Hans Petter Langtangen, Department of Informatics (2016)
  • Professor Anders Malthe-Sørensen, Department of Physics (2015)

NOKUT Educational Quality Award

  • The project Computing in Science Educations (2012)
Published Nov. 30, 2016 1:32 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 3:01 PM