David Stroupe: Preparing science teachers for equitable instruction

Teachers hold immense power in classrooms to open up or constrain opportunities for student learning.

While watching teachers enact equitable instruction is wonderful, we know that teachers are not born being able to help all students learn. How, then, can we prepare new teachers to enact equitable instruction?

Here, I will describe teacher educator pedagogies as we design and enact opportunities for preservice teachers to learn about, rehearse, and receive feedback regarding their emerging instruction. I will also describe design-based research conducted with preservice teachers to examine extended opportunities to rehearse equitable instruction in methods courses.

Picture of David Stroupe

Photo: David Stroupe

Recording from the talk (mp4)

Read more about David Stroupe

Published Nov. 4, 2021 2:23 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2021 10:22 AM