
Time and place: , 'Hurtigruten' from Tromsø to Trondheim in Norway

Welcome to our NeuroAI workshop, set against the beautiful backdrop of Norway's coastline, aboard the Hurtigruten cruise ship from Tromsø to Trondheim. This event combines the tranquil beauty of a Norwegian cruise with the exciting prospects of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

This event is only open for invited participants. 

Time and place: , the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen

In the past year, the improvement of AI technology has been staggering. Just as with graphic calculators in the 1980s and 1990s, and CAS in 2000s and 2010s, AI-based tools are becoming part of the toolbox of every students. Already, such tools reliably solve most problems we give students in their first-year of undergraduate mathematics studies. Like it or not, this is changing how students engage with mathematics.


Time and place: , CCSEs seminar room Ø465

Welcome to a mini-symposium where Sacha van Albada (FZ Julich) and Michael Reimann (EPFL) will give seminars on modeling of cortical networks. In the mini-symposium there will also be a launch/presentation of our new book "Electrical Brain Signals" which is published these days. 

Time and place: , CCSE seminar room


Time and place: , Auditorium 1 in Helga Engs hus

Michael Doser (CERN): Seminar on Quantum Detectors for high energy physics by Michael Doser (CERN) on the 5th of March at 14.00

Joakim Bergli (Physics, UiO): Synchronization in two-level quantum systems

Joakim Bergli (Physics, UiO): Introduction to quantum error correction

Morten Hjorth-Jensen (Physics, UiO): Parametric Matrix Models and Machine Learning

Håkon Kristiansen (Hyllerås, UiO):Time-dependent many-body theories

Justin Wells  (SNM, UiO): Observing and understanding electron-boson interactions in solids

Simon Cooil (SNM, UiO): Atomically Sharp and High-Density Sb Doping in Si for use in Quantum Devices