What knowledge does pre-service teachers need to teach content-specific programming?

Niklas Karlsen: How do we prepare pre-service teachers to teach the use of programming in a subject-specific context? Should they first learn programming independently of subjects? How do they navigate the challenges related to the learning and teaching of programming? How can programming be integrated into subjects?

Image may contain: Cheek, Smile, Jaw, Sleeve, Gesture.

Niklas Karlsen, OsloMet

Building on the theory of TPACK, which is a theory from educational technology research that theorizes how technology best is integrated into the teaching of subjects, I suggest an approach where pre-service teachers first need to develop knowledge about the use of programming in subjects and meet examples of programming pedagogies, and then are asked to draft lesson plans where they need to integrate programming into a subject-specific context.

This approach requires the pre-service teachers to negotiate their knowledge of technology (i.e. programming), pedagogy (i.e. teaching and learning) and content (i.e. the subject being taught) in order to balance the different affordances and needs that they might encounter when teaching. I give examples from a course for primary school pre-service teachers on the use of simulations in science education to exemplify the approach.

Niklas Karlsen is a PhD student at OsloMet. 

The bi-weekly ODD seminar series at CCSE

The Open Discussions on Didactics (ODD) is a seminar series on Mondays at 14.15 every other week (odd week numbers) at CCSE.

The seminar will be maximum one hour, often closer to half an hour. It is an informal arena to present and discuss learning theory, educational research and teaching experiences within computational science. To cater to the highly heterogeneous backgrounds and interests of students, teachers and researchers in our environment, we aim for seminars that introduce listeners to new ideas within a broad spectrum of aspects, and that invites reflection and discussion.

Presentations need not be mature and polished - to the contrary we hope that as many as possible wants to share undigested observations and reflections in short presentations of varied form and topics. We hope to have enough contributions to frequently have the meetings as lightning talk sessions, where three different speakers will each give a 5-10-minute presentation followed by discussion.

Published Jan. 19, 2023 7:57 AM - Last modified Jan. 20, 2023 2:10 PM