Earth Science and Kongsberg in the Spring

This week we all go to Kongsberg, a small town south-east of Oslo. The first academic training in Norway started here in 1757, primarily related to mining, mineralogy, and chemistry. Kongsberg is still famous for the old silver mines and spectacular mineral samples.

Together with the Centre for Physics of Geological Processes (PGP) we arrange a two-day seminar with top-class international speakers and scientist. We are particularly proud to introduce Lars Stixrude as the Rosenqvist Lecturer.
The program for the CEED-part of the seminar is shown below. Follow us on Twitter (@ceedoslo) for live updates from the talks.

The Kongsberg Seminar, Thursday 9th of May 2013
0915-0930 Bjørn Jamtveit (PGP) Opening remarks
0930-0945 Trond Torsvik (CEED) CEED
0945-1030 The Rosenqvist lecture: Lars Stixrude (University College London) GEOPHYSICS OF CHEMICAL HETEROGENEITY IN THE DEEP MANTLE

CEED Deep Earth
1045-1130 Keynote: Karin Sigloch (Munich University) Slab sinking and paleogeographic inference: a North American case study from seismic tomography
1130-1200 Bernhard Steinberger (GFZ Potsdam, CEED) Challenges in mantle plume modelling

CEED Dynamic Earth
1300-1330 John Hopper (GEUS) Arctic plate tectonics and the life cycle of mantle plumes
1330-1400 Susanne Buiter (NGU/CEED) Analysing Wilson cycle plate margins

CEED Earth crises
1415-1500 Keynote: Aradhna Tripati (University of California) Cenozoic polar climate
1500-1530 Stephan Sobolev (GFZ-Potsdam) Mantle plumes, large igneous provinces and environmental catastrophes

CEED Earth and Beyond
1545-1630 Keynote: Lindy Elkins-Tanton (Carnegie Institution) Magma ocean and planetary evolution
1630-1700 Bethany Ehlmann (CalTech) The earliest aqueous, habitable (?) environments on Mars: A view from orbiters and rovers

By Henrik H. Svensen
Published May 7, 2013 8:40 PM - Last modified June 9, 2021 11:36 AM
Photo of a man on a mountain

The CEED blog covers some behind-the-scenes about our latest research and activities. The contributors are a mix of students and staff from The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway.