Why do back-arc spreading ridges jump?

A new study in Nature Communications explains why spreading ridges jump towards the trench in the upper plate of narrow subduction zones. Nicholas Schliffke (Durham Uni.) and co-authors, including CEED researcher Valentina Magni, developed 3D numerical models designed to investigate the forces responsible for breaking up the lithosphere in the upper plate. They found that the occurrence of ridge jumps is controlled by a competition between the strength of the upper plate and the strength of transform faults bounding the plate.

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Scotia Sea back-arc basin, between South America and Antarctic. Figure made with GeoMapApp (http://www.geomapapp.org)

Subduction zones are places on Earth where tectonic plates sink into the mantle creating mantle flow and large lithospheric deformation. Subduction trenches are not stable features and they often move away from the upper plate (i.e., trench retreat). This generates extension in the upper plate and, if extension is large enough, the formation of back-arc spreading centres. However, these spreading centres are active only for a few million years as they often migrate closer to trench as the trench keeps retreating (Fig. 1). Schliffke and co-authors developed 3D numerical models to better understand the process of ridge jumps in narrow subduction zones.


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Figure 1. Simplified maps of back-arc basins in narrow subduction zones where ridge jump occurred; (a) Tyrrhenian Sea in the Central Mediterranean, (b) Scotia Sea in the South Atlantic, and (c) Lesser Antilles in the North Atlantic. (d) Schematic cartoon showing the subducting plate (blue), the upper plate (outlined in red) bounded by transform faults (arrows showing the slip direction), and the process of ridge jump in the upper plate.

The 3D numerical models simulate subduction of a narrow plate with a retreating slab (Fig. 2). The models reproduce the formation of a first spreading centre due to upper plate extension (Fig. 2b). As the slab keeps retreating, the distance between the spreading centre and the trench progressively increases until a new spreading centre forms closer to the trench (Fig. 2d). Importantly, when the distance between the spreading ridge and the trench increases, so does the length of the transform faults that allow the upper plate to move with respect to the neighbouring plates. The longer the transform faults, the higher the total resistance along the faults and, thus, the more energy is needed for the plate to move. When a certain threshold of resistance is reached, it is more energetically favourable for the system to rupture the upper plate in a new location closer to trench. This is why spreading ridge jumps occur in narrow subduction zones.

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Figure 2. Numerical model of a narrow subduction zone with a retreating slab. (b-e) top view of the model at different time steps with colours showing lithospheric deformation (large deformation in red) and top right corner of each panel showing the temperature field vertical sections in the middle of the model.

Schliffke and co-authors performed a parametric study with varying plate widths, which showed that the length and time of the spreading ridge jump increase with increasing plate width. Their model results fit well with observations of back-arc basins of present-day subduction zones in which ridge jumps are observed (Fig. 3). This study indicates that for narrow subduction zones, the resistance along transform faults is non-negligible and, together with the strength of the lithosphere, they control the occurrence of ridge jumps in back-arc basins.

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Figure 3. Comparison between model results (red dots) and observations. Blue symbols show back-arc basins in which ridge jumps occurred and they plot close to the regression line estimated from model results. Grey symbols are for back-arc basins in which ridge jump has not (yet) occurred and they all plot below the regression line.

Contact: Lead author: Nicholas Schliffke (Durham University). Contact: Valentina Magni (CEED), valentina.magni@geo.uio.no

Publication details: Schliffke, N., van Hunen, J., Allen, M.B., Magni, V., and Gueydan, F. (2022). Episodic back-arc spreading centre jumps controlled by transform fault to overriding plate strength ratio. Nature Communications, 13, 582. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28228-5.

This work has been supported by EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network ‘Subitop’, grant agreement No. 674899, by the UK National Environment Research Council (NERC grants NE/K010824/1, NE/M000281/1, and NE/H021620), and by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme (Project Number 223272). 

By Valentina Magni
Published Feb. 7, 2022 12:42 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2022 12:42 PM
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