The winners of the Else-Ragnhild Neumann prize for 2018

The 2018 award has two winners, Anja Røyne, Researcher at Condensed Matter Physics and Grace Shephard, Researcher at Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, both at University of Oslo Norway.

Citations from the international award committee:

Anja Røyne deserved recognition for her investigations of mineral growth in porous media, with fluids, hydration and crystal growth. Her work provides a very interesting contribution to the poorly known  nano- and micro-scale processes.

Grace Shephard always make original, rigorous and very robust quantitative contribution on mantle dynamics. The analysis provides fundamental contribution on understanding the link between shallow surface process and deep mantle dynamics.

Congratulations to the two worthy winners!


The award on web: The Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award for Women in Geosciences

Published Dec. 8, 2018 11:30 AM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2018 11:38 AM