Research news & In media - Page 11

Published Apr. 10, 2014 9:20 AM has a feature article (in Norwegian) based on Buiter & Torsvik`s work on the Norwegian and Greenland continental margins. Buiter, S., Torsvik, T.H. A review of Wilson Cycle plate margins: A role for mantle plumes in continental break-up along sutures?  Gondwana Research, 7. March  2014.

Published Mar. 24, 2014 2:49 PM

Senior researchers from CEED, Svensen and Planke have done research on linking mass extermination to  emissions greenhouse gases caused by explosive volcanic processes for 252 million years ago. This research is referred in a Viten-article in Aftenposten Monday 24. March. The global mass extinction ended almost all life on Earth.

Published Feb. 26, 2014 2:19 PM

Det er funnet et 4,4 milliarder år gammelt krystallfragment som stammer fra Jordens tidligste historie. Undersøkelser av steinen er gjort av forskere ved Wisconsin-Madison Universitetet, ifølge CNN. Professor ved Institutt for geofag/CEED, Fernando Corfu har blitt intervjuet av det norske nettstedet ABC nyheter i forbindelse med funnet.

Published Feb. 26, 2014 9:18 AM

Interview with Trond H. Torsvik in the  Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten 26 February, about Norwegian Research funding.

Published Dec. 12, 2013 10:07 AM

The project is called CraterClock: Calibration of the Cratering Chronometer for the Earliest Planetary Evolution  (8,8 MNOK for 2014 to  2018). Congratulations, Stephanie!

Published Nov. 28, 2013 11:24 AM

We are very happy to announce that Trond H. Torsvik is granted 8 MNOK for a national geomagnetic lab from the Norwegian Research Council. Congratulations Trond!

Published Oct. 16, 2013 10:13 AM

Head of the CEED Scientific Advisory Board is the recipient of the Petrus Peregrinus Medal from EGU in 2014. He will receive the prize at the EGU General Assembly, which will take place in Vienna on 27 April – 02 May 2014. Congratulations to Rob from CEED!

Published Aug. 19, 2013 11:00 AM

Samseth, B.T., Svensen, H.H., Article in the Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet 26 July 2013.