Norwegian version of this page

SFF-grant to a new SFF-centre; Centre for Planetary Habitability – PHAB

Today came the news from the Research Council of Norway about the allocation of grants to new Norwegian centres of excellences (SFF). One of the SFF-centres goes to our Professors Trond Helge Torsvik and Stephanie Werner and to the centre named; 'Center for Planetary Habitability'. Fantastic and great news!

Professors Trond Torsvik and Stephanie Werner will lead the Centre for Planetary Habitability. Photo: UiO

Professors Trond Torsvik and Stephanie Werner will lead the Centre for Planetary Habitability. Photo: UiO

Two new centers of excellence for research are going to the MN-faculty, University of Oslo: One of them will develop completely new ways of doing machine learning. The second will look for life in space.

The new SFF-centre 'Centre for Planetary Habitability' are led by the Professors Trond Helge Torsvik and Stephanie Werner, both from Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. The center will come after the CEED-centre, and will build on the research that has been carried out in CEED.

Congratulations to everyone at CEED, and especially to Trond Helge and Stephanie!

Read more at (in Norwegian):

Hva gjør en planet beboelig? Nytt senter skal lete etter svar., 23.9.2022


Published Sep. 23, 2022 2:32 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2022 7:51 PM