Previous events - Page 4

Time and place: , UNIS, Svalbard, Norway

August 3 - 10 2018 the Norwegian research school DEEP offers an intensive course on Arctic tectonics, volcanism and climate in Svalbard. Carmen Gaina (CEED), Kim Senger (UNIS), Owen Anfinson (Sonoma State), Andrew Schaeffer (U.Ottawa) and Danny Stockli (U.Texas) are among the lecturers.


Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics, GEO-DEEP9100, will be taught at University of Oslo 24 - 28 September. 

Time and place: , Apply online

DEEP offers members travel and research grants for activities highly relevant for you PhD project. Next deadline for DEEP grants is 15 June 2018.

Time and place: , CEED, University of Oslo

April 16 - 20 in spring semester 2018 the Norwegian research school DEEP offers an intensive PhD course of 5 ECTS credits on Solid Earth - Fluid Earth Interactions in Oslo.

Time and place: , Hurtigruten from Bergen to Trondheim

DEEP welcomes all members to the second general assembly 7 to 9 March 2018. The annual meeting will start with a very own PhD day at the University of Bergen. The meeting will continue with scientific and social networking activities at Hurtigruten travelling from Bergen to Trondheim.

Time and place: , University of Tromsø

University of Tromsø offers the intensive course GEO-8131 Deformation processes (5 ECTS credits)

Registration deadline for the course is: 1 December 2017.

Time and place: , Seminarroom, 1st floor, CEED, University of Oslo

Writing for Scholars with Lynn Nygaard will take you systematically through the most problematic areas of scholarly writing.

Time and place: , Lecture room 4020, 4/F West Wing, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen

An essential part of being a researcher is to communicate your research ideas and findings – providing society with new knowledge and directions for future solutions. But how to do this successfully? And how do you reach the right target groups?  


The upcoming application deadline for DEEP travel and research grant for 2018 is 15 January.

Time and place: , CEED, University of Oslo

November 6 - 10 2017 the Norwegian research school DEEP offers an intensive course on the composition and evolution of the lithosphere and asthenosphere in Oslo with Valerie Maupin as lecturer.

Time and place: , CEED, UiO, Norway

September 11 - 15 2017 the Norwegian research school DEEP offers an intensive course on large igneous provinces and their environmental impacts in Oslo. Henrik Svensen, Trond Torsvik and Hope Jahren are among the lecturers.


PhD student members have the opportunity to apply for travel and research grants. The grants can cover costs for activities not arranged by DEEP that are relevant for your PhD.

For more information

Time and place: , Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen

The CHESS Research School invites DEEP members to join their Advanced Statistics Training course at the University of Bergen in August.

Time and place: , - Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus, University of Oslo

A two day seminar in June 2017 for young career scientist on how to build your academic CV and writing successful project proposals.

Time and place: , CEED, University of Oslo, Norway

May 8-13 Reidar Trønnes offers his 5 ECTS intensive course Deep Earth and Planetary Mineralogy and Dynamics at CEED in Oslo.

Time and place: , CEED, University of Oslo

The main objective of the course is to give students a comprehensive overview of the Earth magnetism at the present time (geomagnetism) and in the geologic past (paleomagnetism), including its applications for reconstructing the paleogeography through geologic time, which lays down the essential foundation for our understanding of the evolution and dynamics of the Earth at planetary scale.

Time and place: , UiT

Plate Tectonics operate by localizing deformation at plate boundaries on all scales. In order to understand and model plate tectonics, we need to understand the fundamental processes of deformation operating in the Earth. It is the objective of this course to teach these processes and how they are manifested in rocks. The course will use examples from experiments and natural occurrences and will illustrate their use in a more quantitative study of rock deformation.

Time and place: , Geilo

DEEP will arrange its very first general assembly February 21 to 24, 2017, at idyllic Dr. Holmes Hotel in Geilo.


As a DEEP PhD student member you can apply for grants twice a year for shorter research stays, participation at specialized courses or workshops, field work, laboratory work or related activities. Occationally we will also support attendance to international conferences, but this will only be possible if there is no other funding possibilities.

For more information

Time and place: , Seminarroom, CEED

Writing for Scholars with Lynn Nygaard will take you systematically through the most problematic areas of scholarly writing.

Register for the writer’s workshop

Time and place: , CEED, UiO, Oslo

The course will give an introduction to the physics and tectonic processes that govern the properties and evolution of the Earth and other planets.

Time and place: , The conference room "Stallen", Professorboligen, UiO, Oslo

Many people believe that mentoring is mostly about sharing knowledge and giving advice. Mentoring, however, is a process where mentees are supported in their own learning, where they can reflect and explore in a safe environment. 


Join us in Oslo 21 October to learn more about mentoring. For registration:


Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics, GEO-DEEP9100, will be taught for the first time in November 2016 at the University of Oslo.