Deformation processes - An intensive course offered at the University of Tromsø

Holger Stunitz offers the intensive course GEO-8131 Deformation processes (5 ECTS credits) again in February 2020 at The University of Tromsø.

Registration deadline for the course is: 1 December 2019.

Intensive course on Deformation Processes

Plate Tectonics operate by localizing deformation at plate boundaries on all scales. In order to understand and model plate tectonics, we need to understand the fundamental processes of deformation operating in the Earth. It is the objective of this course to teach these processes and how they are manifested in rocks.

The course will use examples from experiments and natural occurrences and will illustrate their use in a more quantitative study of rock deformation. Brittle and viscous deformation processes will be explained. Flow laws, extrapolation and rheological principles will be covered. The associated and diagnostic microstructures and textures will be analyzed. The theoretical knowledge will be complemented with lab sessions using thin sections and exercises.

5-days intensive course week

This one week intensive course from 17 - 21 February 2020 is taught by Holger Stunitz at the University of Tromsø and gives 5 ECTS credits upon completion (submission of a project report - to be completed at home after the course). The course will include exercises in light microscopy, so participants should have some basic knowledge in polarization microscopy.

For more information, see the full course description.

Application process

If you are not registered as a PhD student at UiT the deadline for application is 1 December 2019. You apply through UiTs local application portal. The application code is 9304 and you must add the course code (GEO-8131) as a comment.

Costs covered for DEEP members

All DEEP members will get their travel and accomodation costs in Tromsø covered if they want to register for this course. Contact DEEP at for more information.

Published Oct. 21, 2019 10:46 AM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2020 10:22 AM