DEEP Writing retreat

Welcome to the DEEP Writing Retreat 2020!  Apply within 26 January to join.

Course content

During the writing retreat, you will have the opportunity to bring a piece of your own writing and work on it intensely throughout the week. We will have short refresher lectures, individual presentations and group discussions. However, all these activities will be kept to a minimum to give as much time as possible for writing! Mathew will guide the activities and be there the whole week for individual and group discussions.
You will be placed in a group of 3 who will either sit together or meet at least once throughout the day. As with the introduction course, we want to create an ethos of collaboration around writing. The more people we talk to about our writing, the more likely we will continue such discussions at our home institutes.

Image may contain: product, text.You are free to choose what type of text you want to work on during the week. Either you want to polish an existing (and maybe rejected) article or you need to start on your first introduction. Or maybe you are writing a popular science piece or you need to work on a project proposal. As long as you let us know what you will be working on, so we can allocate groups appropriately. 

The point of this retreat is to get away from everyday life and concentrate on writing in a nice setting with nice people. Join us!

Participants and application

Apply within 26 January 2020 by using our online form.


We have booked rooms for you at beautiful Osterøy outside Bergen and the historic hotel Fjordslottet

The instructor

Mathew Stiller-Reeve has a PhD in Meteorology and has published several peer-reviewed articles on the monsoon as well as interdisciplinary and communication issues. He founded the SciSnack writing community in 2012 when he developed a collaborative writing process and helped start several writing groups around the world. He and 12 international co-authors published this process in 2016, and since then it has been used by summer schools and communication initiatives around the world. Recently, he has become a Thematic Editor of the Geoscience Communication journal and has developed a peer-review process that he recently published on He has held writing seminars and courses over the past 3 years, both in Uganda and Norway.

Expenses for DEEP members

DEEP will organice and cover the travel and accommodation for all members. Please note that registration is binding and that cancellations after 1 February 2020 may be charged up to 3000 NOK.


Published Dec. 2, 2019 11:29 AM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2020 10:59 AM