Writing course: Better together

A writing course to improve your writing with Mathew Stiller-Reeve 4 - 6 February 2019 in Bergen. Apply within 12 December 2018 to join.

Course content

In this course, we will cover some of the basics of clear and concise writing, and apply these skills directly to our own texts! We will develop ideas on issues like cutting clutter, the active voice, flow and structure. After we discuss one or two new issues, we will return to our pre-written texts and work together to improve them. This course will emphasize how to write and how to give feedback. We will therefore develop as writers and peer-reviewers. At the end of the course, we will aim to have polished, peer-reviewed texts that we will publish online.

Before the course starts you will be expected to write a short piece (3-500 words) about your research or a related topic that interests you. These texts will provide the foundation the course is built upon. Once you are registered for the course I will provide more information about the text you need to write. I will give you ideas for topics and some pointers for how the text could be structured.

This course aims to give you a solid understanding of some of the basics of writing clear and concise texts. You can apply these basics to writing popular science or research articles. You will also have practiced peer-reviewing and understand how to give critical feedback. But the main aim is to improve our writing together, and not alone!

The instructor

Mathew Stiller-Reeve has a PhD in Meteorology from University of Bergen. These days his research revolves around climate services and how society can use climate science to better adapt to the future. Mathew has extensive experience in science communication and interdisciplinary research. He also founded the SciSnack community in Bergen in 2012. Thanks to SciSnack he has developed himself as a writer, and an instructor, and he continues to work to help young researchers realise their writing potential.

Expenses for DEEP members

DEEP will organice and cover the travel and accommodation for all members. Please note that registration is binding and that cancellations after 15 January 2019 may be charged up to 2000 NOK.


Published Oct. 22, 2018 9:08 AM - Last modified June 25, 2019 11:24 AM