Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics

First week of November the Norwegian Research School DEEP arranged its very first intensive course for PhD students. The course Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics is the first in a series of new courses established by the school.

With the DEEP research school director Stephanie Werner as course responsible and 14 guest lecturers, the PhD students were given an introduction to the physics and tectonic processes that govern the properties and evolution of the Earth and other planets. The students enjoyed an intensive week packed of lectures and interesting discussions.

“As all lecturers are really passionate about their subject, lecturing about their own research topics, it is inspiring and easy to follow”, says one of the participating students in the course.  

Highly specialized PhD courses 

Each semester one of the four 5 credits courses in the new series will be taught. This enables PhD students within the fields of dynamics and evolution of the earth and planets to attend highly specialized courses on a PhD level.

The next course in the series is the course GEO-DEEP9200 Deep Earth and Planetary Mineralogy and Dynamics, will be taught the coming spring. DEEP also plans to offer seminar courses each year to cover frontier topics related to the DEEP themes.

DEEP Director Stephanie Werner

National research school

DEEP is a national research school and involves all major national institutes educating PhD students within the fields of dynamics and evolution of the earth and planets. The goal is to offer efficient training of doctoral students by providing a platform for scientific discussions, fostering networks across Europe, offering specialized courses as well as soft skill training.

DEEP gathers researchers and students within geophysics, mineralogy, geochemistry and comparative planetology. The main topics are planetary accretion and differentiation, planetary scale dynamics and solid earth – fluid earth interactions.

You can find more information about the research school on DEEP's webpages;

Published Nov. 9, 2016 2:01 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2016 3:41 PM