On survival and destruction of cratons

by Jyotirmoy Paul

From the  University of Bayreuth

Hosted by Clint Conrad

Image may contain: Man, Hair, Face, Hairstyle, Chin.
Cratons are the oldest lithosphere in tectonically active Earth. Understanding the Archean cratons' long-term stability is considered as one of the grand challenges in Geodynamics. Using numerical models, I will demonstrate how cratons' chemical buoyancy, thickness, and viscosity help them resist tectonic destruction. However, cratons equipped with all necessary qualities can also get partially or entirely destroyed under certain geological conditions, e.g., due to the eruption of a mantle plume. I will discuss an example of the Indian craton, which could have been partially destroyed due to the eruption of the Reunion plume underneath it.  


Published Aug. 23, 2022 4:54 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2022 5:05 PM