Elena Mamonova

Elena Mamonova is a PhD candidate who started on the 1st of January 2023. She has previously done her master's degree at CEED.

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Hair, Cloud, Sky.

This is what Elena has to say about the work she will be doing during her PhD:

"We are now at the dawn of a new era of extra-sensitive space telescopes, which will provide exciting new spectral data on many different types of exoplanet atmospheres, including those of Earth-like sizes and potentially on Earth-like orbits in the near future. This data could provide clues for the surface and interior of these planets. I will evaluate the variability of planet structures based on experimental and computational mineral physics and will use stellar compositional variations as input parameters. I will work towards finding the relationship between the internal structure, composition and atmosphere of such exoplanets." 

Published Jan. 2, 2023 2:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2023 2:32 PM