Steinberger et al. in Science editors highlights with their bottom-up effect of the Northern glaciation

Science 12 December 2014 - Editors' Choice - Bottom-up effects on Northern glaciation based on articles from CEED researchers.

Sermeq kujalleq. Greenland. Photo:

The mentioned research in the December Sciences's Editors' Choice is based on the article from CEED researchers:

The key role of global solid-Earth processes in preconditioning Greenland's glaciation since the Pliocene. By Bernhard Steinberger, Wim Spakman, Peter Japsen and Trond H. Torsvik. DOI: 10.1111/ter.12133,

The effect of the large-scale mantle flow field on the Iceland hotspot track. By Mihalffy, P., Steinberger, B., Schmeling, H. (2014)  Tectoniphysics, 447, 5-18.


Publisert 15. des. 2014 09:40 - Sist endret 31. mars 2015 18:40