CEED is part of a new Research School on “Changing climates in the coupled earth system” (CHESS)

CEED is part of a new Research School on “Changing climates in the coupled earth system” (CHESS) which received 19.5 million kroner from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) to educate PhD students in Norway on various topics related to present and past climates.

The new research school school - CHESS - will be coordinated by the University of Bergen (under Associate Professor Thomas Spengler) and its activities will be organized by a national board which includes two UiO faculty (Carmen Gaina and Joseph LaCasce) as well as others from Bergen, Tromsø and UNIS.  CHESS follows in the wake of a successful Research School (ResClim), which offered courses to over 100 students on a range of topics, from air-ice-ocean interactions to climate in previous epochs.

CHESS aims to strengthen the area of paleoclimate graduate education in Norway and therefore researchers from the Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) and MetOs (Department of Geosciences, UiO) will play an important role in teaching the new students not only about the current climate system but also Earth’s past distribution of land and oceans, volcanism, and other processes that have contributed to changes in the past climates.

Norwegian and international specialists will be invited lecturers, workshops and summer schools will be organized in diverse locations and funds will also be available for Norwegian PhDs to work and study abroad. CHESS will also support various “hands on” courses in proposal and article writing, presentation techniques and teaching.

Publisert 30. mars 2015 16:20 - Sist endret 31. mars 2015 13:16