The ExoMars2016 probe on the way

The ExoMars2016 probe was launched into space Monday March 14. Stephanie Wernet from the CEED Centre and GEO, UiO has been one of those finding a landing site for the rover in the mission. The probe will, if everything works after the plan, arrive Mars in October this year.

The ExoMars probe is launched into space in March 2016. Illustration: ESA/ATG medialab

The ExoMars probe was launched into space in March 2016. Illustration: ESA/ATG medialab

Articles (In Norwegian):

Vellykket oppskyting for europeisk Mars-sonde, Norwegian Space Centre, News, 14.03.2016.

Ny Mars-sonde skutt opp - et første steg mot en bemannet ferd til Mars,, 14.03.2016.

Publisert 17. mars 2016 19:51 - Sist endret 3. juli 2023 11:44