The Geilo workshop 2016

To kick-off the newly established collaborative project on “Climate, Volcanism, and Tectonics” between the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics and the paleoclimate modeling group at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research we wish to invite to a joint workshop at Geilo. The main aim will be to discuss the potential role of bathymetry on ocean circulation in the causes and nature of extreme climates of the geologic past, and compare these to other possible forcing mechanism such as volcanism.

One main target will be to understand the role of changes to the Greenland-Iceland-Scotland ridge on Atlantic circulation and climate through the Cenozoic. To achieve this aim we have invited a number of scientists with a diverse background including physical oceanography, atmospheric dynamics, climate modeling, geology, and geophysics.

The programme

Publisert 22. jan. 2016 11:48 - Sist endret 22. jan. 2016 11:49