Supercomputing at CEED

CEED researchers contributes with an article in the most recent copy of Meta magazine.

The article Looking inside the Earth using e-infrastructure resources is about supercomputing and is written by Abigail L. Bull, Trond H. Torsvik, Eva H. Fritzell, Chris E. Mohn, Nils Prieur, Tobias Rolf, Grace Shephard and Reidar Trønnes, all at CEED.

Earths interior as seen on the front cover for the META journal. Illustration; CEED 

Earths interior as seen on the front cover for the META journal. Illustration; CEED 


Bull, A., Torsvik, T., Ms. Fritzell, E.H., Mohn, C., Prieur, N., Rolf, T., Shephard, S. & R. Trønnes, 2015. Looking inside the Earth using e-infrastructure resources, META 2015/2, Uninett Sigma 2. 


Publisert 14. jan. 2016 13:51 - Sist endret 16. jan. 2016 20:49