Jupiter and the theory of relativity gets the blame for celestial bodies changing course

What has Einstein and Newton got to do with the motion of the solar system bodies? Presentation by Sekher amd Werner, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 26 april, Vienna, and a popular science presentation at titan.uio.no.

Sekher og Werner presenterte på EGUs General Assembly 2017, 26. april 2017, Wien.

Presentated by Sekhar and Werner on the EGUs General Assembly 2017, 26. april 2017, Wien.

Les artikkelen om denne forskningen på nyhetsportalen for realfaglige nyheter ved UiO; Titan.uio.no, lenke under..

På norsk: Jupiter og relativitetsteorien får skylden for at himmellegemer endrer kurs, titan.uio.no, 26.4.17.

In English: Jupiter and the theory of relativity gets the blame for celestial bodies changing course

I media/In the media

Jupiter’s Gravity Or Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity: Which Is Changing Mercury's Orbit Around The Sun?, Scienceworldreport, 28.4.17

Júpiter y la Relatividad, culpados de redirigir objetos celestes, Europapress, 27.4.17

Jupiter and the theory of relativity blamed for course changes of celestial bodies, phys.org, 27.4.17

Jupiter and the theory of relativity gets the blame for celestial bodies changing course, Science Daily, 26.4.17



Sekhar, A., Asher, D. J., Werner, S. C., Li, G. & J. Vaubaillon. 2017. Change in general relativistic precession rates due to Lidov–Kozai oscillations in Solar system. Mon Not R Astron Soc 468 (2): 1405-1414.

Publisert 26. apr. 2017 15:47 - Sist endret 12. mai 2017 10:06