"Volcanoes of Europe"

New book; "Volcanoes of Europe" is out, authors Dougal Jerram,  Alwyn Scarth and Jean-Claude Tanguy.

NEW book: Volcanoes of Europe.

NEW book: Volcanoes of Europe.

Dougal Jerram is the director of DougalEARTH Ltd. and a professor II at CEED, the University of Oslo. Known as ‘Dr Volcano’ from his appearances on the BBC he has a wide understanding of modern and ancient volcanic systems.

Jerram is an enthusiastic earth science communicator, he has been seen on screen expert for television’s Channel 4, National Geographic, Discovery and History channels.

Reference and info here:

Jerram, D., Scarth,A., & S., Tanguy. 2017. Volcanoes of Europe. Dunedin Academic Press. ISBN: 9781780460420

Publisert 1. mars 2017 15:21 - Sist endret 3. juli 2023 11:36