CEED at EGU in Vienna

CEED`s researchers participate in 69 Talk & Poster presentations at the EGU Meeting in Vienna in 2019:

  1. Barrett, Rachel,  Benjamin Bellwald, Sebastian Krastel, Felix Gross, Aaron Micallef, Sverre Planke, Christian Berndt, Peter Talling, and Reidun Myklebust. New Constraints on the Failure Mechanism and Kinematics of the Tampen Slide (North Sea) from 3D Seismic Data. Tue, 09 Apr, 09:15–09:30   Room 0.31 (Poster).
  2. Bellwald, Benjamin, Sverre Planke, Rachel Barrett, Christine Batchelor, and Reidun Myklebust. Characterization of Glacigenic Debris Flows, Megaslides and Contourites of the North Sea Fan from 3D Seismic Data. Fri, 12 Apr, 15:30–15:45   Room E2
  3. Birkelund, Anniken R. and Stephanie C. Werner. Including scientific writing training as criteria for quality in PhD education. Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X4 (Poster).
  4. Blischke, Anett, Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Ögmundur Erlendsson, Sverre Planke, and Carmen Gaina. The Jan Mayen microcontinent and Iceland Plateau volcanic breakup margins. Wed, 10 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  5. Broek, Joost van den; Magni, Valentina, Carmen Gaina, Susanne Buiter. How slab dynamics and structural inheritance control microcontinent formation at subduction zones. Mon, 08 Apr, 16:45–17:00   Room D1 (Talk).
  6. Buiter, Susanne, Shephard, Grace. Numerical experiments investigating the effects of North Atlantic plate motion histories on rifted margin architecture. Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X2 (Poster).
  7. Bulut, Nevra, Valérie Maupin, and Hans Thybo. Crust-Correction and Measurement of Finite-Frequency Travel Time Residuals for Body-Wave Tomography in Scandinavia. Tue, 09 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  8. Caracas, Razvan.  Critical point of feldspars. Thu, 11 Apr, 09:00–09:15   Room -2.32. (Poster).
  9. Celli, Nicolas L., Sergei Lebedev, Andrew Schaeffer, and Carmen Gaina. The Jan Mayen microcontinent and Iceland Plateau volcanic breakup margins. Mon, 08 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  10. Chotalia, Krian, George Cooper, Fabio Crameri, Mathew Domeier, Caroline Eakin, Antoniette Greta Grima, Derya Gürer, Ágnés Király, Valentina Magni, Elvira Mulyukova, Kalijn Peters, Boris Robert, Grace Shephard, and Marcel Thielmann. Subduction Zone Initiation Database 1.0. Mon, 08 Apr, 11:30–11:45   Room D1 (Talk)
  11. Crameri, Fabio. Scientific Colour Maps: Reducing error across the Geodynamics community Mon, 08 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  12. Domeier, Mathew ,Trond H. Torsvik, Clinton P. Conrad, Bernhard Steinberger, Pavel V. Doubrovine, Reidar G. Trønnes, Stephanie C. Werner, Grace E. Shephard, and Boris Robert.; Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Mathew Domeier. | Tue, 09 Apr, 12:00–12:30 Room 2.21(Talk).
  13. Driel, Jac van, John Brodholt, and David Dobson. Constraining Grain Boundary Diffusion within the Earth's Lower Mantle. Fri, 12 Apr, 14:08–14:10   PICO spot 3
  14. Ershova, Victoria, Daniel Stockli, Andrei Khudoley, and Carmen Gaina. When big river started to drain to Arctic Basin: view from the Sverdrup Well (Kara Sea). Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2 (Poster).
  15. Faber, Carly, Holger Stünitz, Deta Gasser, Petr Jeřábek, Katrin Kraus, Fernando Corfu, and Jiří Konopásek. . Thu, 11 Apr, 17:15–17:30   Room K1 (Talk)
  16. Corfu, Fernando A tectonic conundrum in the Otta-Bøverdalen area, Scandinavian Caledonides. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  17. Fourel,  Loic, Susanne Buiter. Numerical Experiments of Rifted Margins Built on Ancient Orogens. Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X2 (Poster).
  18. Gaina, Carmen; Andrew J. Schaeffer, Anatoly J. Nikishin, Sergei Lebedev, Alexander Minakov, and Florianne Breyer. The crust and upper mantle of the Eurasia Basin revealed by geophysical data and mantle tomography models. Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2 (Poster).
  19. Gasser, Deta, Tor Grenne, Bjørgunn Dalslåen, Fernando Corfu, Lars Eivind Augland, Reidulv Bøe, and Trond Slagstad. Contemporaneous MORB-type and extremely enriched volcanic rocks in the central Scandinavian Caledonides: the effect of slab break-off after arc-continent collision and/or subduction initiation after polarity flip?. Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X2
  20. Grenne, Tor, Deta Gasser, Fernando Corfu, Lars Eivind Augland, Reidulv Bøe, and Trond Slagstad. The Hølonda and Ilfjellet volcano-sedimentary basins of the central Norwegian Caledonides: Early/Middle Ordovician response to ophiolite obduction, subduction initiation and continental-arc establishment. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2
  21. Grima, Antoinette, G., Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, and Fabio Crameri. Deep subduction modes and mid-mantle slab mobility. Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–17:45   Room D1 (Talk)
  22. Heimdal, Thea H. 'Modeling the effects of carbon release from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province on atmospheric pCO2 and oceanic 13C at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary'.  Weed. 10.4 at 11.45 in room G2
  23. Heron, Philip, Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmoller, Grace Shephard, Jeroen van Hunen, and Russell Pysklywec. The interaction between oceanic subduction and deep mantle structures in the positioning of mantle plumes. Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 Watsion
  24. Heyn, Björn, Clinton Conrad and Reidar Trønnes. What core-mantle boundary topography can tell us about plume locations and the viscosity and density structure of thermochemical piles. Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2  (Postr)
  25. Jakob, Johannes; Torgeir B. Andersen. The effects of Devonian extensional tectonics on the architecture of the allochthons of the Scandinavian Caledonides, South and South-Central Norway. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2  (Poster)
  26. Jamtveit, Bjørn, Evangelos Moulas, Arianne Petley-Ragan, Torgeir B. Andersen, Håkon Austrheim, Fernando Corfu, Kristina Dunkel, and Stefan Schmalholz. High Pressure Metamorphism Caused by Fluid Induced Weakening of Deep Continental Crust. Wed, 10 Apr, 14:15–14:30   Room -2.91
  27. Jeřábek, Petr, Jiří Konopásek, Eliška Žáčková, Robert Anczkiewicz, and Fernando Corfu. Two-stage exhumation of subducted rocks in the Krkonoše-Jizera, NE Bohemian Massif, mark the transition from continental subduction to collision. Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2
  28. Karlsen, Krister S., Clinton P. Conrad, and Valentina Magni. Deep Water Cycling and Sea Level Change since the Breakup of Pangea. Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X5 (Poster).
  29. Király, Agnes, Clinton P. Conrad, Mathew Domeier, and Lars N. Hansen. Does anisotropic mantle viscosity impede changes in plate motion? Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X2 (Poster).
  30. Kiraly, Agnes; Claudio Faccenna, and Francesca Funiciello. Subduction zones interaction in the Central Mediterranean: focusing on Adria. Wed, 10 Apr, 17:00–17:15   Room -2.21 (Talk).
  31. Kjøll, Hans Jørgen; Torgeir B. Andersen, Olivier Galland, Fernando Corfu, Loic Labrousse, Christian Tegner, and Sverre Planke. Deep section of a Neoproterozoic fossil magma rich rifted margin exposed. Wed, 10 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  32. Krýza, Ondřej , Petr Brož, Susan Conway, Jan Raack, Manish Patel, Matt Balme, Adriano Mazziny, Ernst Hauber, and Matthew Sylvest. Experimental simulation reveals that the mud behaves like the lava under the Martian conditions. Fri, 12 Apr, 10:00–10:15   Room -2.91 (Talk)
  33. Lantz, Cateline, François Poulet, Damien Loizeau, Marco Veneranda, Henning Dypvik, Fernando Rull Perez, Cédric Pilorget, and Stéphanie C. Werner.  Coordinated spectral analysis of H2020/PTAL mineral samples. Fri, 12 Apr, 14:00–15:45   Hall X4 (Poster).
  34. Li, Zhi, and Razvan Caracas. First principles molecular dynamics study of the supercritical state of iron. Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2
  35. Lupi, Matteo, Adriano Mazzini, Alessandra Sciarra, Marine Collignon, Daniel W. Schmid, Alwi Husein, Anne C. Obermann, Giovanni Romeo, and Karyono Karyono. Hydrothermal waves: transient geysering eruptions at the Lusi eruption site, Indonesia. Thu, 11 Apr, 11:45–12:00   Room -2.21 (Talk)
  36. Magni, Valentina. How back-arc spreading affects the arc magmatic activity. Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X2 (Poster).
  37. Mansour, Walid Ben, Juan Carlos Afonso, Andrew Macdonald, and Nicole Januszczak. The thermochemical structure of central and southern Africa from multi-observable probabilistic inversion. Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2
  38. Manton, Ben, Sverre Planke, John Millett, Dmitry Zastrozhnov, Adriano Mazzini, Philipp Muller, and Reidun Myklebust. Hydrothermal vent complexes acting as preferential fluid migration pathway: a comparative study of the NE Atlantic and Indonesia. Fri, 12 Apr, 09:00–09:15   Room -2.91 (Talk).
  39. Mathew Domeier, Trond H. Torsvik, Clinton P. Conrad, Bernhard Steinberger, Pavel V. Doubrovine, Reidar G. Trønnes, Stephanie C. Werner, Grace E. Shephard, and Boris Robert. On the stability of Earth’s degree 2 mantle structure. Tue, 09 Apr, 12:00–12:30   Room -2.21 (Talk)
  40. Mauerberger, Alexander, Hamzeh Sadeghisorkhani, Frederik Tilmann, Olafur Gudmundsson, and Valerie Maupin. Scandinavian Lithosphere Structure derived from Ambient Noise and Surface Waves. Wed, 10 Apr, 15:15–15:30   Room -2.32 (Talk).
  41. Mauri, Guillaume, Matteo Lupi, Alesssandra Sciarra, Karyono Karyono, Stephen A. Miller, Riccardo Minetto, and Adriano Mazzini. Investigating potential correlation between surface observation and LP seismic events at Lusi, indonesia. Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30, Hall X2 (Poster).
  42. Mazzini, Adriano, Alessandra Sciarra, Giuseppe Etiope, Alwi Husein, and Henrik Svensen. Estimates of gas release at the LUSI sediment-hosted hydrothermal system, Java, Indonesia. Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster)
  43. Medvedev, Sergei and Alexander Minakov. Analysis of lithospheric stresses using satellite gravimetry: Hypotheses and applications to North Atlantic. Thu, 11 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X3 (Poster).
  44. Minetto, Ricardo, Valerie Maupin, Thomas Planes, Matteo Lupi, Karyono Karyono, and Adriano Mazzini. Sustained low-frequency seismic activity as possible far-field expression of the 2015/2016 Mt Bromo’s volcanic unrest, East Java, Indonesia. Fri, 12 Apr, 14:00–15:45   Hall X2(Poster)
  45. Mojzsis, Stephen, Ramon Brasser, Nigel Kelly, Oleg Abramov, and Stephanie Werner. Onset of giant planet migration at ca. 4480 Ma Fri, 12 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X4
  46. Myhre, Pewr I., Synnøve Elvevold, Fernando Corfu, and Rune Selbekk. Early Devonian anatexis was contemporaneous with extensional tectonics in the Svalbard Caledonides. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  47. Osorio, Álvaro, Guillaume Mauri, Adriano Mazzini, and Stephen Miller. Geological 3D model of the Lusi mud edifice based on gravity data, East Java, Indonesia.Fri, 12 Apr, 09:15–09:30   Room -2.91
  48. Planke, Sverre. Emplacement processes of large-volume basaltic sequences during the formation of volcanic rifted margins. Mon, 08 Apr, 16:30–16:45   Room K1 (Talk).
  49. Polozov, Alexander, Sverre Planke, John Millett, Henrik Svensen, and Dougal Jerram. Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15. Hybrid rocks formation at onset of the Siberian Traps basalt lavas eruption and shallow intrusions emplacement Hall X1 (Poster).
  50. Procesi, Monia, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Adriano Mazzini, and Giuseppe Etiope. Sediment-Hosted Geothermal Systems: review and first global mapping. Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–08:45   Room -2.91 (Talk)
  51. Quintela, Orlando, Johannes Jakob, and Torgeir B. Andersen. Geology of the metaperidotite-bearing Sjongsæter Group, south central Norway. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  52. Robert, Boris and Mathew Domeier.  Plate tectonic reconstructions of the Iapetus Ocean. Thu, 11 Apr, 16:15–16:30   Room K1 (Talk).
  53. Saiz, Jesus, Guillermo Lopez-Reyes, Marco Veneranda, Jose Antonio Manrique, Alvaro Guzmán, David Moreno-Dominguez, Stephanie Werner, Francois Poulet, Jesus Medina, and Fernando Rull. . Mon, 08 Apr, 14:00–15:45   Hall X4 (Poster).
  54. Schliffke, Nicholas, Jeroen van Hunen, Frederic Gueydan, Mark B. Allen, and Valentina Magni. Back-arc rifting/spreading reversals in finite width slabs. Tue, 09 Apr, 11:30–11:45   Room D3 (Talk).
  55. Sciarra, V,  Livio Ruggiero, Adriano Mazzini, Stefano Graziani, Giovanni Romeo, Giuseppe Di Stefano, Sabina Bigi and Alwi Hussein. Estimates of CO2 concentration released at the Lusi eruption site (Indonesia): a drone and GasPro CO2 monitoring probe experiment. Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  56. Shephard, Grace, Christine Houser, John Hernlund, Renata Wentzcovitch, and Reidar Trønnes Wed. Detection of the lower mantle iron spin transition in ferropericlase through vote maps of seismic tomography 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Hall X2 (Poster).
  57. Shulgin, Alexey; and Irina Artemieva. Making and altering the crust: A global perspective on crustal structure and evolution. Tue, 09 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  58. Solomatova, Natalia, Razvan Caracas, and Craig Manning. Carbon chemistry in Early Earth’s magma ocean. Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2 (Poster).
  59. Straume, Eivind, Carmen Gaina, and Sergei Medvedev. Cenozoic paleobathymetry of the Atlantic-Arctic oceanic gateways: implications for paleo-ocean circulation. Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X2 (Poster).
  60. Svensen, Henrik H., Tim John, Stefan Weyer, Kirsten E. Fristad, Alexander G. Polozov, Manon Bajard, Morgan Jones, and Sverre Planke. Bacterial sulphate- and iron reduction in a Siberian Traps crater lake during the end-Permian crisis. Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15   Hall X1 (Poster).
  61. Tauzin, Lauren Waszek, Nickolas C. Schmerr, Maxim Ballmer, and Juan Carlos Afonso. The temperature-dependent visibility of the 660-km discontinuity. Wed, 10 Apr, 14:30–14:45   Room -2.32 (Talk)
  62. Torsvik. Trond. H. The Burke Legacy: Plume generation zones and stability of TUZO and JASON.  Tue, 09 Apr, 14:00–14:15   Room -2.21 (Talk)
  63. Uppalapati, Sruthi; Tobias Rolf, Fabio Crameri, and Stephanie C. Werner. Rejuvenation of Venus’ surface: Insights from Numerical Modelling. Thu, 11 Apr, 09:45–10:00   Room -2.32 (Talk).
  64. Veneranda,Marco,  Guillermo Lopez-Reyes, José Antonio Manrique, Jesus Saiz, Jesus Medina, Henning Dypvik, Stephanie Werner, and Fernando Rull. ExoMars/Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS)– spectroscopic system for the potential recognition of wet-target craters on Mars. Mon, 08 Apr, 14:00–15:45   Hall X4 (Poster).
  65. Wagner, Nico Schmedemann, Stephanie C. Werner, James W. Head, Katrin Stephan, Katrin Krohn, Thomas Roatsch, Harald Hoffmann, Ralf Jaumann, and Pasquale Palumbo. Ray Craters as Stratigraphic Markers in Ganymede's Geologic History Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00   Hall X4 (Poster).
  66. Warvik, Kenneth, Haakon Blaker Ringstad, Lars Eivind Augland, Fernando Corfu, and Roy Helge Gabrielsen. The age and tectonic status of the Revseggi Nappe of the southern section of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  67. Yarushina, Victoriya and Alexander Minakov. Representation of micro-earthquake sources with plastic strain tensor. Tue, 09 Apr, 10:45–12:30   Hall X2 (Poster).
  68. Zaputlyaeva, Alexandra; Adriano Mazzini, Martin Blumenberg, Georg Scheeder, and Wolfram Michael Kürschner. . Fri, 12 Apr, 09:30–09:45   Room -2.91 (Talk).
  69. Zertani, Sascha, Timm John, Johannes C. Vrijmoed, Frederik Tilmann , Loic Labrousse, and Torgeir B. Andersen. The variation of petrophysical properties during eclogitization of lower continental crust and their influence on geophysical imaging. Mon, 08 Apr, 14:30–14:45
Publisert 3. apr. 2019 11:06 - Sist endret 3. apr. 2019 11:06