Ada Lovelace Workshop - Gelato and Geodynamics

The 2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop included 10 CEED members (about 10% of participants and 25% of the keynote speakers!). Some highlights of the workshop below.

From 25-30th August 2019 the Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics was held. Somewhat of a highlight of the Geodynamics (GD) community's calender, the biannual conference was held this time in the beautiful La Certosa di Pontignano, in Tuscany near Siena, Italy.

CEED members in attendance - featuring a Tuscan storm-weathered poster 

The full program for the workshop can be found here and an excellent summary of the week over on the EGU Blog - it was a great week of scientific discussions, italian cuisine, and dramatic Tuscan storms (rendering WiFi unavailable for the entire conference). 

CEED research featured heavily in the program, including four keynote talks (Valentina Magni, Fabio Crameri, Berhard Steinberger and Grace Shephard), the scientific committee (Carmen Gaina), and several posters (Björn Heyn, Tobias Rolf, Maelis Arnould and Agi Kiraly).

Grounds of the La Certosa di Pontignano. Photos: G. Shephard

The week included full days of talks, followed by plenary discussions and posters. The program also featured a guided tour of Siena - famous for Saint Catherine [of Siena], the division of the city into 'contrade' each with their own mascot, flags boundaries, and culture, and the horse race 'Palio di Siena' (which this year was won by a horse without a rider).

And si, geodynamics and gelato were consumed in equal measures. 

The workshop is part of the EGU Conference series and was recently renamed in honour of the 19th century English mathematician Ada Lovelace.  
Av Grace Shephard
Publisert 19. sep. 2019 11:35 - Sist endret 19. sep. 2019 11:44