NGF Annual Symposium 16-17th October 2019

The Norsk Geofysisk Forening (NGF; Norwegian Geophysical Society) will hold its annual meeting and symposium on the 16-17th October, 2019. The symposium will be held at NVE (Norges Vann og Energi Direktoratet) in Oslo - Middelthuns gate 29.

Several CEED researchers will be presenting during the symposium, which has been co-organized by Valerie Maupin (NGF Steering Committee).

It is free to attend the symposium. Lunch is 200 kroner and the dinner is 800 kroner (free for MSc and PhD students presenting their work). Registration and payment here



Facebook event: here

Any enquires should be directed to Prof. Valerie Maupin (valerie dot maupin at

Publisert 16. sep. 2019 15:12 - Sist endret 17. sep. 2019 13:29