Sara Callegaro brings a new Young Research Talent project to CEED

Sara Callegaro is granted a "Young Research Talents" project from NFR (the Research Council of Norway). The research project title is MAPLES: Magma Plays with Sedimentary Rocks - Element exchange between magma, sedimentary host-rocks and environment.

Sara Callegaro. Photo: Private

Sara Callegaro. Photo: Private

The main objective of the new project is to understand processes and scales of contamination between sill and sedimentary host-rocks of contrasting lithologies by quantifying element exchange, entrapment and escape.

The overall research question is: are "within sill" contamination processes widespread and can they add further to the gas budgets released from intrusions? The selected case studies are the Tunguska basin, the Karoo basin and the Oslo rift.

The project will start around August 2020

Congratulations from CEED for this fantastic achievement!


Publisert 23. des. 2019 09:57 - Sist endret 2. jan. 2020 14:36