Strong female applicants to the CEED positions advertised this Spring

We have recently hired six new Young Scientists to CEED. The competition was strong, and we received on the average around 50 applications per advertisement. All positions ended up being offered to females. Here is the addition of bright young scientist at CEED this Autumn semester, welcome to them all!

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From left, upper row: Maaike, Florence and Chloé.

From left, lower row: Elise, Lea and Maëlis


Maaike F. M. Weerdesteijn is a PhD student with Clint Conrad and the Magpie Project. At CEED she will will collect and analyze data from magnetotellurics, geochemistry, and tectonic reconstructions to place constraints on spatial variations in the mantle viscosity structure beneath Greenland. She has a Master degree from Delft University (January 2019), with the Master project The implementation of glaciation-induced rotation behaviour of the Earth in a numerical model to study the effect of lateral viscosity variations on polar wander. She comes from a position in Space Flight Exploration and Geoscience & Remote Sensing,at the University of Kansas (an Aerospace Engineering Programme).

Florence Raminez is a PhD student with Clint Conrad and Kate Selway, in a joint (cotutelle) position between CEED/The MN-faculty and Macquarie University.  At CEED she will study uplift processes in Greenland in order to quantify present-day rates of melting there. Florence has finished a diploma programme at The Abus Salam International centre in Tireste Italy (August 2018), and has a Master Degree in Physics from the Philippines. She comes from a researcher position in Trieste, where she has been working on seismology problems

Chloé Markussen Marcilly is a State financed (KD) PhD position with Trond H. Torsvik. She has a Master degree in Sedimentology/Geochemistry from the Department of Geosciences, UiO. At CEED she will work with how plate tectonics plays an intricate role in shaping the climate on geological time-scales, connected to emission and capture of CO2 - the most important greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere.

Elise Harrington will from 1 September be a State financed (KD) PhD student in Planetology with Stephanie Werner. She will investigate whether Mars once was a habitable planet, and whether there are relics of life to be found. Elise has a Master degree in Earth and Planetary Science (2018) from The University of Western Ontario, Canada. In the MSc thesis work she used a combination of radar and spectral remote sensing for mapping salt deposits in the Canadian Arctic. At the moment she is a Young Graduate Trainee at the European Space Agency in Germany, in a one-year contract with ESA.

Lea Belosa will 30 September start in a State financed (KD) PhD student Project in Marine Geology/Geophysics with Carmen Gaina. She has a Master degree  from 2017 in Geology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, with a Master Project titled Mineralogical, geochemical, micromorphological and agroecological properties of Monte Coronichi (Istra) paleosoil. Lea comes from a position as Early Career Researcher and Science & Technology communicator at Centro de Ciencia Viva, Lagoa, the Azores, Portugal.  

Maëlis Arnould is from November a Postdoc with Tobias Rolf and the PLATONICS Project (haping PLAnetary tecTONICS by solid-state convection incorporating damage and inheritance). The primary objective of  this project is to investigate the role of history-dependent rheology in the evolution of terrestrial (Earth, Venus) and icy planetary bodies (e.g., Europa, Ganymede) and to evaluate its importance for shaping the surface tectonics of such bodies. Maëlis has a PhD degree from ENS Lyon and the University of Sydney, in a cotutelle agreement. Her PhD Project title was Some surface expressions of mantle convective instabilities. Until October 2019 she holds a one-year Postdoc position at ENS Paris.

Publisert 13. aug. 2019 15:08 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2019 15:08