Master exams at CEED Spring 2020, all by zoom

Fred Marcus John Silverberg:  Project title: Feature and event analysis of seismic data using machine learning at Åknes. 15 June. More here

Trine Nybakk Uthus: Crater statistics and Geological history of Oxia Planum, landing site for ExoMars2022 -  29 June. More here

Mathilde Sofie Opshaug: Receiver functions at the 8 broadband seismometers of the Kongsberg array.  29 June. More here

Helge Wilhelm Dahl: Building a 3D Seismic Velocity Model to Improve Location of Microseismic Events at the Åknes Rock Slope. 2 July, More here


Good luck and congratulations from CEED!


Publisert 16. juni 2020 12:52 - Sist endret 24. juni 2020 10:04