Contributions from CEED at EGU General Assembly 2021

The EGU General Assembly 2021 bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one congress covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. CEED researchers participate with presentations, posters, and more (see below).

The list is not yet complete ...

Arnould, M, T Rolf, AMC Córdoba. On the generation of plate-like surface tectonics in whole-mantle convection models employing composite rheology. Session GD1.1, EGU21-15790

Bagge, M; V Klemann, B Steinberger, M Latinović3D glacial-isostatic adjustment models using geodynamically constrained Earth structures. Session CR3.9, EGU21-13479

Bajard, M; E Ballo, HI Høeg, J Bakke, E Støren. Climate variability controlled the development of the pre-Viking society during the Late Antiquity in Southeastern Norway. Session ITS3.2/BG7, EGU21-8427

Ballo, Eirik .G; Manon Bajard, Eivind Støren, and Jostein Bakke. Using CT scans to count varves in lake sediments. Application to Lake Sagtjernet, southeastern Norway. Session CL5.1.4, EGU21-10075

Bethkenhagen, M; J.-A. Hernandez, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, F. Datchi, M. French, M.arco Guarguaglini, F. Lefevre. Exploring the deep interior of ice giants with shock-compression experiments and ab initio simulations: The case of metallic ammonia., Session PS5.1, EGU21-12055

Bulut, N; V. Maupin, H, Thybo. Seismic Body-Wave Tomography in Fennoscandia. Session GD3.3, EGU21-15798

Gac, S; M.M. Abdelmalak, J.I. Faleide, D.Schmid, D. Zastrozhnov. Automated reconstruction of the Vøring volcanic margin incorporating non-extensional processes. EGU21-5369.

Capriolo, M;  A Marzoli, LE Aradi, S Callegaro. Deep CO2 from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province during the end-Triassic mass extinction.  Session SSP1.3, EGU21-11189

Caracas, R;  ST Stewart. Thermodynamicsof giant planetary impacts from ab initiosimulations. Session GD1.1, EGU21-8785

Crameri, F;  G Shephard, P Heron. The “Scientific colour map” Initiative: Version 7 and its new additions. Session ESSI4.2, EGU21-11208

Giguet-Covex, C; M Bajard, W Chen, KJ Walsh, PJ ReyMountain agro-ecosystems long-term trajectories in the North Western Alps. Session BG2.6, EGU21-6072

Jones, M; E Stokke, S Planke, L Augland, H Svensen. Coring of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in Denmark: ICDP Project PVOLC. Session SSP1.3, EGU21-15570

Krzesinska, A; B. Bultel, D. Loizeau, D. Craw, R. April, F. Poulet, S. Werner. Mineralogy, aqueous history and biosignature preservation potential of bedrock deposits at Oxia Planum, ExoMars 2022 landing site - Spectral characterization of terrestrial analogues. Session PS3.4, EGU21-841

Magni, V; M. Prada, J. Naliboff, C. Gaina. Rift jump and microcontinent formation in back-arc settings. Session GD4.1, EGU21-7256

Marcilly, CM; TH Torsvik, M Domeier, DL Royer Revising key parameters for long-term carbon cycle models.  Session CL1.14, EGU21-2794

Minakov, Alexander; Carmen Gaina. Using satellite data to decipher geodynamics of the northeast Atlantic. Session G4.3, EGU21-43

Nisancioglu, N; A Morée, T Sun, E Straume, G Gebbie. Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ18O records during the Early Pleistocene. Session CL1.9, EGU21-14370

Panea, I; C Gaina, V Mocanu, I Munteanu. A multidisciplinary study for geothermal energy sources identification in the Baia Mare area (Romania). Session ERE2.5, EGU21-549

Polozov, AG; S Planke, JA Millett, DA Zastrozhnov. Raman estimates of the thermal effect on tree trunks in the Siberian Traps lavas and volcaniclastics. Session SSP1.3, EGU21-12938

Robert, B; F. Corfu, O. Blein. New age constraints on the Ouarzazate Group (Morocco): implications on the hypothesis of True Polar Wander during the Ediacaran. Session EMRP3.5, EGU21-9564

Rolf, T; M Arnould. Tectonic regime variety and stability in mantle convection with strain-induced weakening. Session GD1.1, EGU21-540

Ruggiero, L;  A. Sciarra, G. Galli, A.Mazzini, C. Mazzoli, M.C. Tartarello, F. Florindo, G. Wilson, S. Bigi, R. Sassi, J. Anderson, and G. Ciotoli. First measurements of 222Rn and 220Rn activities in soil in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Session NH8.5, EGU21-5100

Shephard, G. E., Gaina, C., Pozdnakova, A., Wilson Rowe, E., Kapoor, N., Jønnum, S., Kleivane, S. H., Lindalen, T., Niklasson, K., Bjerknes, A., Kvernmo, T. M., Knudsen, K. A., Lomell, L., Drevsjø, S., and Skjelkvåle, B. L. An Arctic transformation; from an in-person international summer school to a digital MOOC. Session EOS7.3, EGU21-12584

Shulgin, A; J.E. Lie, S. Planke. 3D active seismic tomography of the Barents Sea. Session GD3.3, EGU21-9246

Straume, E;  A Nummelin, C Gaina, K Nisancioglu. Cooling of the Northern Hemisphere triggered by Northeast Atlantic opening at the Eocene–Oligocene Transition.  Session CL1.14, EGU21-11913

Tonti-Filippini, J; B. Robert; É. Muller, M. Wack, X. Zhao, S. Gilde. The Neoproterozoic geomagnetic field: new insights from a high-resolution paleomagnetic study in South China. Session EMRP3.5, EGU21-4671

Turino, V, V. Magni,  H.J Kjøll, J. Jakob. The effect of magma poor and magma rich rifted margins on continental collision dynamics. Session GD4.1, EGU21-6052

Publisert 30. mars 2021 11:12 - Sist endret 5. mai 2021 11:29