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New publication


Congratulations Physilia Chua with your paper on metagenomics for diet analyses.

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Physilia Chua's paper on metagenomics for diet analyses has now been published in Molecular Ecology Resources. Congratulations Physilia! For those who don't know Physilia, she is one of the PhD students from the Plant.ID ITN. Physilia submitted her thesis a few weeks ago and will defend on the 11th of June.

In the paper that just came out we characterise the diet of western capercaillies (Tetrao urogallus) located in Norway using metagenomics, and compared the results with metabarcoding trnL P6 loop data generated from the same samples.

A new publication


A new publication on the domestication of ancient beans from the Andes is now out in Nature Plants! This is the first time that whole genome data of ancient beans has been analyzed. The preservation of endogenous DNA was just amazing for some of these samples. It has been a long and wonderful ride with Giorgio Bertorelle and Emiliano Trucchi!

We are hiring!


One postdoc in Quaternary geology (stratigraphy) and palaeoecology

One PhD in palaeoecology and ancient DNA

One PhD in ancient DNA and marine genomics

One PhD in genomics, ecotoxicology and ecology of bumblebees

One postdoc in disease ecology and eDNA

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like more information about about any of these positions!

A new member in our group


A big welcome again to Angélica Cuevas! Angélica joins our group as (soon to be) postdoctoral researcher. She will be investigating the biological origin of ancient Atlantic cod specimens that were collected through our collaborative FOODIMPACT project in addition to  pursuing her own evolutionary interests.

A new paper by Giada is now out


Our new paper on aDNA preservation in fish bones is now out! A fantastic achievement, congratulations Giada!

New project funded!


Whoop whoop, new project funded by the Research Council of Norway! 12 million NOK for "EvoCave: Investigating 122 000 years of high-latitude faunal diversity using palaeozoology, archaeology, palaeoecology and ancient DNA". We'll be hiring a postdoc and a PhD student next year!

New paper on byrozoan museum specimens

New paper exploring the potential for DNA analyses of bryozoan specimens from museum collections

First paper from Anneke her PhD published

Congratulations to Anneke, check out her new paper published in Environmental DNA in whcih she uses eDNA to study dietary niche overlap.

Preprint of paper non puffin population genomics online

A preprint of our puffin population genomics paper is now available on bioRxiv. Congratulations to Oliver for reaching this great milestone, and what an excellent way to start his parental leave! Now fingers crossed for positive reviews :)


Collaborating on ERC Synergy Grant 4-OCEANS!

We're excited that the ERC Synergy Grant 4-OCEANS with PIs James Barrett, Poul Holm, Cristina Brito and Francis Ludlow has been funded! Archaeogenomics collaborates on this grant and we will have several positions (Labtech, PhD & Postdoc) that will be associated with this ambitious project. Stay tuned!

New paper from Oliver!


Congratulations to Oliver and the rest of the team with their latest paper on plague published in PNAS!

A genomic and historical synthesis of plague in 18th century Eurasia

New paper from Giada!


Congratulations to Giada for publishing another one of her PhD papers!

Variola virus genome sequenced from an eighteenth-century museum specimen supports the recent origin of smallpox

Zoom lab meetings and summer


Aye we've been really bad in keeping the site updated! But no fear we are still going strong :-) Everyone got used to working from home and in the past 2 months we have been slowly allowed back into the labs and even into the offices. Just as the rest of the world we have become experts in lab zoom meetings, but thankfully now also have occasional non-digital meetings again. In the mean time data is being produced and analysed, papers are being written, submitted and revised, grants applied for, etc. Have a nice summer everyone!

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New paper published


Even's last paper of his PhD just came out in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Congratulations! We use metagenomic shotgun sequencing to look at intra- and interspecific variation of the intestinal microbiome in a range of gadoid species and ecotypes.

New papers published


Our new paper on the potential impacts and societal consequences of the historic walrus ivory trade from Norse Greenland just came online. A really neat collaborative effort with James Barrett from the  University of Cambridge.

And also another paper to which our PhD student Oliver contributed, on the metagenomics of dental calculus in ancient Egyptian baboons.

Welcome to Lane and Emma


This month, we can welcome both Lane Atmore and Emma Falkeid to our group! Lane obtained her MSc from the University of Cambridge, working on adaptation and selection in  human populations using whole genome sequence data. She will work on her PhD here, using ancient DNA from Atlantic herring samples to investigate trade and human impacts as part of our SEACHANGES ITN network.  Emma has just finished her Bachelor degree, and will be working on her MSc, studying ancient Atlantic tuna samples (also together with Lane) in a collaborative project with Svein Nielsen from the Museum of Cultural History.

Welcome to Lulu


A BIG welcome to Lourdes Garcia!  Lourdes recently started with us to do her PhD. Originally from Mexico, Lourdes obtained her MSc degree from Lund University, where she studied population structure in eelgrasses. She will be working on the analyses of ancient DNA from Atlantic cod, and is part of our SEACHANGES ITN network.


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Published May 11, 2021 10:30 AM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2023 2:47 PM