Comparing the strength of behavioural plasticity and consistency across situations: animal personalities in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus


Many phenotypic traits show plasticity but behaviour is often considered the ‘most

plastic’ aspect of phenotype as it is likely to show the quickest response to

temporal changes in conditions or ‘situation’. However, it has also been noted that

constraints on sensory acuity, cognitive structure and physiological capacities

place limits on behavioural plasticity. Such limits to plasticity may generate

consistent differences in behaviour between individuals from the same population. It

has recently been suggested that these consistent differences in individual

behaviour may be adaptive and the term ‘animal personalities’ has been used to

describe them. In many cases, however, a degree of both behavioural plasticity and

relative consistency is probable. To understand the possible functions of animal

personalities, it is necessary to determine the relative strength of each tendency

and this may be achieved by comparison of statistical effect sizes for tests of

difference and concordance. Here, we describe a new statistical framework for making

such comparisons and investigate cross-situational plasticity and consistency in the

duration of startle responses in the European hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus, in the

field and the laboratory. The effect sizes of tests for behavioural consistency were

greater than for tests of behavioural plasticity, indicating for the first time the

presence of animal personalities in a crustacean model.

Published Mar. 6, 2012 1:42 PM