The Annual CEES Student Conference: 8-10 June 2021

Dear all CEES members: We are pleased to invite you to the CEES Annual Student Conference 2021. The program and abstracts are available.




This will be a digital event (using Zoom). We encourage you to keep your camera turned on during the conference, and to be present for all the talks and other activities.

For those who are presenting

Remember that you will be sharing the presentation from your own computer. If you have not yet tested your computer’s camera and microphone, and sharing the screen (presentation) via Zoom, please do so.

For the persons introducing the groups

You will also have the responsibility to chair the Q&A for the talks in your group. This means keeping an eye on the chat and read out written questions, and also looking for «Raised hands» and give the word to someone if needed. Please pay attention to the total time allotted to your group.

The conference

Supervisors should take an active part in their student's preparations. We ask you to please submit the registration form (link at the bottom of this page) even if you cannot attend the conference.

Masters and PhD students will, as part of their training, present their research to date and/or plans for future work. Some Postdocs will be asked to do so too. There will be a short presentation of the different research groups at CEES. Participation is strongly mandatory for all CEES members. If you can not access the registration form, or if you are not a member of CEES and still want to participate, please contact the CEES administraton.


  • Friday 14 May: Deadline for registration. 
  • Tuesday 1 June: Deadline for submission of title and abstract. Contact your supervisor before submitting. Scroll down for link for uploading the file.
  • NEW: Last minute registration (participating, but not giving a talk): Sunday June 6th at noon.


  • Friday 4 June at noon: Deadline for submission of presentation. Scroll down for link for uploading the file.

Speaking time

The time slots are tentative. Check your allocated time with the final program.

  • Master students: 10 minutes if you have results to present/5 minutes if you just started on your Master's.
  • PhDs: 10 minutes if you started on your PhD more than 6 months ago/10 or 5 minutes if you started less than 6 months ago.
  • Postdocs: 10 minutes.
  • Thematic introductions: 5 minutes.


We will produce a pdf booklet with the submitted titles, abstracts and portrait photos. The booklet will be made available prior to the conference in the form of a pdf. The booklet will not be printed. The text you submit will be made publicly available. Do not write anything that can not be made publicly available (unpublished data etc.). Confer with your supervisor if necessary.


Abstract with title and photo

If you are giving a talk: Please upload a document (e.g. *.docx) similar to this template. The text you submitt will be made publicly available. Include your name in the name of the file(s). Names of species should be typeset in italics. The abstract should be approximately 1200-2400 characters with spaces. A supervisor should read through the abstract before submitting.

Upload abstract


If you are giving a talk: Please upload your presentation as a PowerPoint-file or pdf. Include your name in the title of the file. You don't have to use a particular template, but your name and position at CEES (e.g. "Masters student") should appear on the first slide.

Upload presentation


Published Apr. 23, 2021 1:01 PM - Last modified May 25, 2022 10:55 AM