Origin of life

Open session with talks by Eörs Szathmáry, Joana C. Xavier, and Steve Crossan.

Illustration by Prof. Sjibren Otto.
Illustration by Prof. Sijbren Otto.


14.30-14.35: Opening and welcome

Professor Nils Chr. Stenseth, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary synthesis (CEES), University of Oslo (Stenseth's profile page)

14.35-14.55: Infrabiological chemical supersystems en route to life: experiments meet theory

Professor Eörs Szathmáry, Institute of Evolution, Centre for Ecological Research, Budapest, Hungary Institute of Biology, Eötvös University,  Budapest, Hungary & Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science, Pöcking, Germany (Szathmáry's profile page)

Abstract of Szathmáry's talk

The process by which chemistry can give rise to biology remains one of the biggest mysteries in contemporary science. The de novo synthesis and origin of life both require the functional integration of three key characteristics — replication, metabolism and compartmentalization — into a system that is maintained out of equilibrium and is capable of open-ended Darwinian evolution. I shall cover models of replicator communities that attempt to solve Eigen’s paradox, whereby accurate replication needs complex machinery yet obtaining such complex self-replicators through evolution requires accurate replication. Successful models rely on a collective metabolism and a way of (transient) compartmentalization, suggesting that the invention and integration of these two characteristics is driven by evolution. I shall discuss the achievements of a combined theoretical and experimental approach.

15.00-15.20: The origins of cells: connecting molecules and disciplines

Dr. Joana C. Xavier, University College London, UK (Xavier's profile page)

Abstract of Xavier's talk

The origin of cells, the universal units of life, is arguably the most profound and complex problem in the life sciences, overflowing far beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. Decades of highly heterogeneous research have produced unparalleled antagonism, exposed the lack of data-based approaches and the need for coordinated, innovative efforts. In this talk I will briefly describe several facets of the search for the root of our 4 billion year-old great phylogenetic tree. I will focus on my own work on the emergence of autocatalytic networks in suitable geochemical settings and introduce OoLEN, the international community of early-career researchers on the origins of life that spans all natural sciences, mathematics and philosophy. This is the community that will drive the solution for this problem, with emerging data, tools, and strong cooperation.

15.25-15.45: AI and the chemical origins of biology

Steve Crossan, Dayhoff

Abstract of Crossan's talk

In all of structural biology up until 2020 we had solved the structure of around 200,000 proteins, mainly through x-ray crystallography. That number now stands at over 800M through the use of modern AI. This step change in productivity is coming right across the physical sciences, but to meet the opportunity we need to rethink the way we organize. Big tech has made big breakthroughs in the last few years in large part thanks to a continual investment in the tools to make research go faster: treating scientific discovery as an engineering project. The Dayhoff Project takes an open science approach to do exactly that at scale, both in silico and in vitro, focused on the prediction and control of metabolic networks with the goal of building protocellular systems ab initio.

15.45-15.55: Q&A session

Organiser and contact: Nils Chr. Stenseth (Stenseth's profile page).

Phone: 99709708

Published Feb. 27, 2023 3:12 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2023 2:21 PM