Presentation in the library

Image may contain: High-visibility clothing, Workwear, Hard hat, Asphalt, Smile.

Presentation in the library. Photo: Samuel James Walker

The local people in Kjøpsvik have been very welcoming to us again. And they have also been curious about what we have been doing up in the cave. Together with Museum Nord we therefore organized a “folkemøte” – a presentation for the local people with plenty of opportunity to ask us lots of questions.

Trond and Sanne took to the stage and presented the history of the discovery of the caves and the fieldwork we have been doing. We also explained some of the analyses we do on the material we collect, and there was a sneak peek into some of our results.

Image may contain: Workwear, High-visibility clothing, Sleeve, Font, Hard hat.

There were around 50 people in the local library in Kjøpsvik. They listened and smiled and asked lots of great questions. Thank you all for showing an interest in our work and for caring about these special caves!

Published Sep. 19, 2022 11:21 AM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2022 11:21 AM