Fieldwork 2014

A pilot study was conducted in in June and July 2014. We investigated pollinator visitation to raspberry in four farms ; two ond the east coast and two on the west coast of Norway.

Raspberry is an increasingly important fruit in Norwegian agriculture. We therefore selected this crop for studies on its interactions with pollinators and how this interaction might be altered by climate change. We have observed pollinator activity to raspberry flowers growing inside growing tunnels and out in the open (free-land) and will use several covariates to try and explain within farm variations in pollinator activity. Temperature, humidity, free-land vs. inside tunnel and distance to tunnel edge are all variables we believe to affect pollination of raspberry flowers. In addition we will investigate whether there are differences in the pollination of raspberry between farms, within and between region(s) (east and west coast). The data is about to be analysed and a first draft of a manuscript is in circulation between the two partners involved (Anders Nielsen and Stein Joar Hegland).

By Anders Nielsen
Published June 18, 2018 11:18 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 1:52 PM